giuliaf| 15/12/2020| Cultural Sights
FOCUS ON: Curiosity and news from China
Wormhole Library in Haikou
Chinese architecture studio MAD has designed a library in the city of Haikou, China that is intended “to be a wormhole that transcends time and space”. Named the Wormhole Library, the structure is currently under construction.
The building will be split in two with a large covered foyer dividing the library from the facilities block. The library will be built around a central, two-storey reading room that will have space for 10,000 books.
The sinuous building will be cast from white concrete within formwork 3D-printed to maintain the shape of the continuous form and all of the building’s electrics and plumbing will be built into the concrete form to reduce clutter inside the building. Curved sliding doors will retracted into the walls as will windows that can be opened to let the sea air circulate within the building.
The building is topped with a rooftop terrace that has views of the South China Sea, while a reflecting pool and white-sand filled area will be built on either side of it.
Wormhole Library is the first in a series of seven pavilions that are going to be built along the coast of Haikou Bay as part of the rejuvenation plan.
Renderings are by SAN, Source images: Dazeen –