FOCUS ON: Chinese Contemporary Artists – TIAN YE
TIAN Ye is a Chinese artist born in Ninhxia Hui Autonomous region in 1973. He studied Chinese freehand landscape painting and then he study at the Central Academy of Fine Arts to study Western Painting. He continued his study in Plastic Arts in Paris, at the University of Paris VIII.
TIAN Ye’s perspective on the evolution of his country’s history and economy, China, and the relation of this evolution to that of all the nations of the world, allows him to incorporate in his research Pictorial historical, economic and cultural data.

Credits: TIAN YE
He reinterprets these data and information according to the perspective of a critical questioning of the current mutations of the societies and, more particularly of the urban society and notably Chinese society.
In his landscape paintings he organized \”figures-signs\” that he structured with simplicity according to laws of composition already tested by artists of the French movements of Narrative Figuration Or Critical Figuration such as Gérard Fromanger or Bernard Rancillac.
TIAN Ye uses bright colors, even acid, which can evoke Pop art.
The essence of TIAN Ye’s pictorial work consists in restoring a new life to the image of the world in the will to associate color, structure, subject, idea in which the power of enunciation is manifest.
He thus reconciles aesthetic creation and socio-economic and cultural consciousness and seeks to impose the idea that his research is linked to the underground movements of society.