| Cultural Sights

Subway or Library?

FOCUS ON: Curiosity and News from China 

Subway or Library?

In Beijing these two spaces come together in a unique place.

Some wagons of line 4 and circular 10, in fact, have been equipped to entertain passengers during the journey, whatever their destination: work, home, shops, etc.

However, there is one detail to specify: the books are not physical books, but audio books. The passenger just needs to be equipped with a smartphone and an app that allows to access the available library: taking a picture of the QR code of the chosen book, it is ready to be listen! Once at their destination, the passenger can still continue the audio reading even outside the train, while walking or getting on another vehicle. Everything is free, included in the entrance ticket to the subway.

The experience is made even more unique by the atmosphere created inside the train: stickers that completely cover the doors and walls of the wagons and which simulate real libraries full of books of the most varied genres.

A smart way to combat commuter stress and boredom!

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